Support Coordination

Support Coordination Services

When it comes to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and finding the right support services, we at Love & Care Community Services are aware that it can be a challenging process. We provide support coordination services to help Sydney residents with disabilities get the most out of their NDIS plans.

What is Support Coordination?

A service offered by Love & Care Community Services called support coordination attempts to provide people with disabilities more freedom and control over the assistance and services they receive. Our passionate Support Coordinators collaborate closely with NDIS participants to comprehend their particular requirements, objectives, and preferences. After doing so, they help them to successfully navigate the NDIS system, establish connections with service providers, and manage their supports.
Support Coordination Services in Sydney

What We Offer

NDIS Plan Understanding:

Our Support Coordinators will carefully review your NDIS plan and help you understand its different components, budget categories, and funding allocations. We will explain the available support options and assist you in identifying services that align with your goals.

Support Connection:

In Sydney, we have built up a sizable network of trustworthy service providers. We will put you in touch with qualified providers who can provide the support services specified in your NDIS plan based on your unique needs. We make sure that these service providers are capable of providing high-quality, person-centered help and that they are in line with your preferences.

Coordination and Scheduling:

To ensure that your services are efficiently organised and that you have access to the appropriate supports at the appropriate times, our Support Coordinators will work with you to prepare a thorough support schedule. We assist you in scheduling appointments, coordinating care from various providers, and making sure that your supports are in line with changing needs.

Capacity Building:

Love & Care Community Services is committed to giving people the tools they need to develop their management abilities for NDIS plans. Your budget management, self-advocacy, and comprehension of the NDIS will all be improved thanks to the information, tools, and resources our support coordinators will give you. Our goal is to arm you with the information you need to decide wisely and have more control over your support.

Ongoing Support:

Once your services are connected, our help doesn’t stop. During your NDIS journey, Love & Care Community Services is by your side. We frequently assess your plan, keep track of your development, and make any revisions to make sure you are getting the essential supports to reach your objectives. You can reach one of our Support Coordinators via phone if you have any queries or concerns.
Support coordination and scheduling services in Sydney

Contact Us

For all inquiries, please feel free to contact us. One of our team members will get back to you as soon as possible.